Comparison betweeen Different Continuous Integration Services

CI Service Docker Support Arm Compatibility Performance Weight Deployment Git Hosting Services Support Concurrent Jobs and Pricing Popularity Miscellaneous
CircleCI Yes Not ideal Medium Light Hosted Github 1 build, 1500 minutes/month for free High Docker-based, lack of compatibility Compared to Travis
Codeship Yes, with payment ----- Medium Light Hosted Github, Bitbucket 1 build for free Low Need extra cost if Docker support needed
Gitlab Yes ----- ----- Heavy Hosted Github, Bitbucket Can be customized High -----
Jenkins Not native Mediocre Medium Heavy Self-Hosted Almost everything, with plugins Can be customized High Very powerful plugins
GoCD Not native Mediocre Medium Heavy Self-Hosted Almost everything, with plugins Can be customized Low An Alternative for Jenkins
Shippable Yes Not ideal Medium Light Hosted Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab 1 build for free Low Docker-based, lack of compatibility compared to Travis
Travis CI Yes Good Fast Light Cloud-Hosted Github public repository only 1 build for free High Very good compatibility, the best for Github opensource project
Wrecker Yes Not ideal Medium Light Cloud-Hosted Github, Bitbucket ----- Low Docker-based, lack of compatibility compared to Travis

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